Happy Numbers

Dear Parents,

So many of your students have loved using technology in our classroom, especially during Math Workshop. They might have told you about Happy Numbers, one of the tools that we have been using to practice our math skills.

Over Thanksgiving Break, I encourage you and your child to take some time to practice some math using the Happy Numbers program! The unit they're assigned to right now is to help with the concept of place value - a very important standard in second grade.

To access the program:

1. Go to happynumbers.com on your web browser (can be done on the computer or on the iPad)
2. Sign in as a student
3. Our classroom number is 554131
4. Your student will know their username and password - please be sure to only sign in on your own account!
5. Play the activities in order. If you want to, you can go back and replay activities, but don't jump ahead!

I hope you enjoy!

And sorry for the double blog post!

- Mrs. Matthews


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