We Need to Stop Global Warming - by Graham

Global Warming is real. Scientists say climate change is “the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.” Scientists claim that by 2100 average temperatures will rise 8o fahrenheit. That is a lot even though it may not seem like it. There will be big effects on humans and animals. We need to stop global warming!

Global warming is caused by humans burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are non-reusable types of energy like coal, diesel and gasoline. When we burn the fossil fuels it releases carbon dioxide particles into the atmosphere. They then burn holes in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is what protects us from the sun's rays. You may be thinking “What?! We need the sun for warmth and light! And how can it protect us if I can still see the sun?” We are still vulnerable to the sun but the ozone layer keeps the earth from overheating. When the carbon dioxide particles burn holes in the ozone layer the sun’s rays come into the atmosphere but don’t reflect back to the sun. This is known as the greenhouse effect because it works just like a greenhouse, heat comes in but doesn’t go out. When the sun’s heat stays in the atmosphere the heat adds up. That is global warming; because the globe warms up!

One reason we need to stop global warming is because it increases natural disasters. The increased heat of global warming will mess up our water cycle. The heat will increase evaporation which will lead to longer droughts. This will make it harder to find clean drinking water and make heavier rains which will increase flash flooding. The heat will also increase the number of out of control wildfires. Scientists say that there will be more and more billion dollar weather disasters. Billion dollar weather disasters are weather disasters were the recovery cost is more than one billion dollars. The average cost per year due to natural disasters from 1980-2015 is $5.2 billion. From 2011-2015 it was $10.8 billion, that is more than double! Global warming plays a big part in this. Natural disasters can lead to terrible life threatening injuries, loss of homes and death.

Global warming also has an effect on animals. Warmer waters will make sea animals have to swim to colder waters closer to the poles. Even so then will need to adapt quickly to the warmer climate. Some animals will not be able to adapt quickly enough to the warmer temperatures will die off and ma even go extinct. Some animals who are already close to the poles will have problems. Polar ice caps and glaciers are melting and polar bears rely on them to survive. With their hunting grounds gone many polar bears will die. We can’t just let all these animals die off because of us and not do anything about it.

But guess who else will be affected greatly by global warming? YOU! The affect climate change has on humans is huge. Increased temperatures will increase droughts which will make it harder to grow crops. Everyone relies in some direct or indirect way to the growth of crops. Some people may not eat many vegetables but cows and chickens and pigs all eat plants. With the rising temperatures people without air conditioning will be extremely hot and could get heat stroke. The rising numbers of natural disasters will cause death too. We started global warming so we need to stop it.

I think people need to be aware of global warming and the toxins they are releasing into the atmosphere daily which will affect not only them but everyone and everything in the world. We need to try to stop  global warming. If everyone in the world tried a bit  harder to reduce their carbon footprint it would go a long way. In life in general people need to be a little more self aware.


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