Happy 2017!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the New Year in Room 23! We've been doing a lot of thinking about the new year and how we're going to keep growing as second graders in our learning and work.

Yesterday, we thought of our Glow, Grow, and Gos.
Our GLOW is something that we're already doing really well with, something we're proud of.
Our GROW is something that we think we need to do more or work on.
Our GO is our plan to reach our goal!

We then thought about our New Years Resolutions, or the goals that we have for the rest of second grade. We even got to see their Hopes and Dreams from the beginning of the year and think about if their hopes and dreams are the same or if they've changed over time! The students of Room 23 were also able to read the hopes and dreams that their parents had for them at the beginning of the year - an activity we did at Back to School night. They are so excited to know that you're loving and supporting them all year.

Today, we thought about the people and the things that we're thankful for and how we can show our love and appreciation as we start this new year. Look forward to some thank you notes coming your way! I thank all of you, the parents and families of Room 23, for your support of our classroom and your love for your children. They are the wonderful people they are because of you!

In Room 23, we also welcomed a new student, Aarush! We're so excited for Aarush to start this new year with us and continue in our growing and learning. He's teaching us a lot of what he learned at Bridge School and we're teaching him how things work here at Bowman.

It's been a great start to 2017 and I look forward to working with all of you in this new year!

Mrs. Matthews

PS. If you haven't checked out what the Big Bear was up to over vacation, make sure you give it a read!


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